I am a bit disturbed by my so called friends and the choices that I have made. I had posted via email and on facebook asking someone to pick up my criterium championship jersey. Bad idea, should have picked the dam thing up myself, because it is gone. No one let me know that they have picked it up, so I have to assume that someone stole it. Seems a bit ridiculous if you ask me, and why I am up set? It is something that I have accomplished! I guess that is what I get for trusting everyone, I forget how evil people can be. I hope that it does show up, but it is not looking good so far.
On a better note, December training is going good so far, a bit early to know how good, but seems good. The body seems to be reacting well and recovering well. Really enjoy lifting two days a week too. My stregnth is coming back quickly! I am keeping an eye on my weight to make sure I don't let it get out hand. I am getting stronger and and I have only put on 5lbs from my racing weight earlier this year. I am doing well with the weight and shouldn't be to hard for me to keep in control.
Goals for December are 1) Raise my FTP by 10% (this may be a reach), 2) Consistent training (follow the plan, don't do to much to early), 3) Weight (stay in control). My FTP test will be on December 29th and trying to get it back up to where it was in September. I have lost some fitness it the past few months and now it is time to start gaining some of that back. When I looked at my WKO on Sunday my fitness was still on a slight decline, that should start rising slightly pretty soon. I know I don't want to rise to quickly to soon, so for me I need to stick to the plan, other wise I know I would train to hard to quickly and burn myself out to early. Looking forward to see how progress this coming year.
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