2014 Madone 7 Series

2014 Madone 7 Series

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oh, It Has Been Too Long

It has been a long time since my last blog, but nothing has really been going on with me. This morning was a good morning, I manage to ride my bike on my trainer for 30 minutes. Wow, I am out shape! It went alright, knee is still tight, but it does loosen up a bit as I ride. I only rode for a short while because, I didn't want to push it too much. I will see how the knee feels as the day goes on and hopefully be able to start riding more often and longer. I hope I don't try to hard to quick.

What actually started me to ride was my physical therapist said I won't do any damage, that I will just make the knee made and it may swell up, so just need to ice it after wards. I have only had two therapy sessions, but they do help a ton.

I guess that is it for now and I will try to keep who ever does read this informed.