2014 Madone 7 Series

2014 Madone 7 Series

Monday, February 28, 2011

FTP Test

Another month on training basically done with another FTP test done yesterday. I am really happy with my results so far. My test proved that I gained another 11 watts on my FTP. I still have a long way to go, of where I would like to be. Hopefully I will be able to reach my goal, but never the less, my power is coming up, so all is good.

March is just around the corner and riding outside hopefully will become more frequent. My March training plan has changed a bit and looks like a lot of fun. A bit more pain, but fun, bring on the pain. Well that's what I say right now! Some races also start in March, but not quite sure if I will do any. Weather will play a huge factor on these, along with time.

Now, a different topic, Tammy and I looked at a house on Saturday and we are really interested in buying it. Hopefully this one will workout and we can take the next step in our lives. Check back for updates.

That's it for now.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Stimulate the Bone

I am getting a bone stimulator later today! Hoping that this will help heal my wrist. This is an expensive piece of equipment and not sure how it works, but will know tonight.

Looking at another house tonight too! Not getting to excited, but see what happens.

Training this weekend looks to be all inside. Temperatures will warm up a little tomorrow, but not warm enough to make me want to ride outside. And, Sunday well, looks like it will be cooler with rain/freezing rain. Looking forward to a rest week next week and will probably give my bike some attention that is needed. Going to replace the handlebar tape and the cables and casings. Getting it ready for the season that starts 4 weeks.

That's it for know.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Out of the PAIN CAVE

Yesterday I was able to get outside and ride. Temperatures reached into the 40, wind @ 20mph winds. The roads were really wet. I was able to manage to ride for 4hrs, this was a slow pace, but still managed to put me into the hurt locker at the end. My wrist was killing me at the end of the ride, felt ok for the most part, but once we had 3hrs in then it started hurting. The wind was coming out of the WSW. I always play the wind when planning my own route. We headed out into the wind and rode with the wind on the way back. It is amazing how fast you can go with the wind and keeping it into the lower power zones. Unlike climbing where it is almost impossible to keep the power zones down. I rode with Ryan a team mate/friend. The ride was a bit much for Ryan. He was falling off my wheel coming back with the wind while I was in my workout zones. He was good about it, and told me if he falls off just keep going, so I did, but waited at the stop signs.

Training is going well and I have another FTP test at the end of the month, hoping that my power increases again, god knows I need more power to hang! My training is very consistent this year compared to years past, so I think it will be a good year as long as my wrist cooperates. If my wrist doesn't get better, I may no be doing much racing this year. My wrist didn't hurt this bad before the surgery, so don't know what to think of that. I see the doctor again in 3 weeks, and he is going to take an MRI so we will see what that show. No, bone stimulator yet either, which is pissing me off, don't know what the hell they are waiting for. Damn insurance companies!

Oh, we (Tammy and I) put a offer in on a house and should find out the outcome today. Would be a cool Valentine's gift if we got it!