2014 Madone 7 Series

2014 Madone 7 Series

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What September will bring

My surgery is finally scheduled! My pre-operation physical is scheduled for 9/7/10 and my surgery is scheduled for 9/17/10. I am a bit nervous, but hoping that this is going to work. What is involved in my surgery? They (surgeons) are going to take a bone graft from my knee that will have a blood supply and a put it into my wrist (scafoid bone) and hope that it will re-vascuralize and giving me 80 percent total movement in my wrist. I currently have about 40-50 percent and if you were to force it to move further it would really hurt.

What does this mean for the rest of the season? I normally ride outside as much as I can, trying to keep indoor training to a minimum. What I am hoping for is that I will be able to train inside on my rear wheel stationary trainer and stink up my cast. The cast will be on for 8-12 weeks and then physical therapy after. So, hoping to have the cast off by/in December will give me plenty of time for some good training. Hoping to be ready to do some early spring races with some decent form.

Now let me jump back to last nights training ride. I did my Tuesday night Jefferson hill repeats by myself. This week I went up two extra times than last week. So, I did ten times total, rotating between small ring and big ring per lap. This is the most repeats that I have done all year, so feeling pretty good about myself. On the last lap I had a very hard time getting to the top. I did it, but it definitely was not my best lap. Once I reached the top I was very happy to be done and have a nice easy ride back home.

Tonight is a OBC ride which starts at 5:30pm and makes it a little tougher for me to make it on time. Don't know if I will be going the weather calls for scattered rain showers. I will try to make it if the weather cooperates, but if it is raining then I will have to resort to the trainer. I am hoping that the weather cooperates, I only have three more weeks of riding with them for this year, before my surgery.

Thats it for now!


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