2014 Madone 7 Series

2014 Madone 7 Series

Thursday, March 17, 2011


What is great about daylight savings? Well, you get start riding outside after work if it is warm enough. I do have a lot of cool weather riding gear, so I can still have a pleasant ride outside and break up the monotony and get out of the pain cave. I also have a cheaper rode bike that I also use, so I don't have to worry about salt destroying my good bike.

I have been outside a few times now with in the last week. This is great for the mind and body. I am still trying to still to the training plan as much as possible. This is a little more difficult to do, but I think with time, I will be better at doing my workouts correctly outside.

Last night I went out for a ride and met up with a group and boy let me tell you what. When the group climbs they hammer, and then on the flats it is way more mellow. What is with that? It is like everyone is recovering on the flats and it is a race to the top of EVERY hill. When I finally met up with the group, the timing by the way was terrible. I had just finished climbing a hill and descended down the other side and then there they were. Now, I had to turn around and sprint back up the hill and latch back on. I haven't put in an effort like that since last year, but anyways that wasn't so bad, kind of felt good to push out some cob webs. So, as we went on now on a flat section of road, the pace was pretty slow. I really didn't care I am suppose to be on recovery ride, but couldn't resist because the weather was good. Anyways, I believe that the group was getting recovered for the next hill, which on the map was a sprint section. I wanted to open it up again for a little bit, they were going down hill a little slow, so I went to the front and when we started climbing a started sprinting up the hill, but not a full blown sprint, but a good effort put forth. I did this as long as I could and I definitely came up short. But, hey it is March! After that it was time for me to go home. By the way, that was a good size group, my best guess would be about 20-30 riders. Not bad.

Wrist, well, the strength isn't all there and either is the flexibility, this is going to hurt my sprinting abilities.

Hilsboro Roubaix is coming up really quickly (April 2nd) and I am hoping that I am ready. I know my bike is ready, have a set of new wheels and so far loving them.

House, this is still in paper work process, but moving forward.

All in all, very busy and I think this summer is going to go bye way to fast.

That's it for now.


1 comment:

  1. So true about some of the group rides. Hammer the hills and soft pedal between. But, lots of fun chatting with people while getting comfortable in the pack. As far as getting in better overall shape, well...
