2014 Madone 7 Series

2014 Madone 7 Series

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Training Motivation

I can't seem to get motivated for training. It is cold and gloomy and keeps my mood down for riding my bicycle inside. I don't get what is going on with me. I decided fall of 08' that I was going to race in 09'. I trained my butt off all winter wanting to do really well in 09'. I don't have a coach, I don't have a workout program, but I do have a team. I weight train 3 times a week that is somewhat consistant, but I do that with a team mate. I can manage to ride indoors for an hour easy, but trying to squeeze out two hours by myself is really tough. When I get together at Extreme's Saturday morning indoor training, I am able to ride for two hours easy.

In a way I don't want a coach, because I don't want my training to be that structured. But at the same time if I had a coach than maybe I would be more motivated. I would be doing different things that a coach plans, keeping the workouts structured and will hopefully not overtrain.

I am 7 weeks away from the my first race of the season which is just a training race. I guess I will keep doing what I am doing and maybe when the time gets closer I will get more motivated to train. If not, I will see how this season ends up and maybe hire a coach to help me out. Its not like I am not doing anything, but I know I was training a lot harder last winter.

I have training videos, and ipod, but still isn't enough to keep me motivated. I don't think that I am the only one out there with this problem. Hopefully I can get some nice weather and be able to get outside and ride. I can always manage to find someone to ride outside with me and put in some great base mileage. If anyone has some advice, I am open minded.

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