2014 Madone 7 Series

2014 Madone 7 Series

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Matt Wittig Memorial 5/8/10

I have been here before! Much like last year the weather was kind of the same with cool temperatures and scattered rain. I had much help today with four other team mates. While warming up we talked some strategy. Jeff M. said that he would be willing to chase any breakaway and bring it back. I said, then I will hang out in the back and conserve energy. Rick said that he would be their for protection and help with a lead out if he had anything left and Brian P. said he would be the gate keeper.

We all know that plans don't always work, but when they do it is AWESOME!

So here is how it went down for me. I stayed in the back and watched some breaks and then saw Jeff chase them down and bring them back. I used Rick a bunch to block the wind. With one to go Jeff came past me on the inside and I then jumped on his wheel. I think at this point that there were a couple guys off the front. Jeff pulled me up towards the front and Travis snuck in there on the downhill. I followed those two until some others guys went sprinting which was way to soon. I chased hard and they were gassed early and I was on my own to sprint uphill to the finish. I rode hard and didn't give up. Someone was coming up on my left side and had to go a bit harder. I was getting tired and was spinning at a very low cadence and my legs were feeling like lumber logs. I shifted up two cogs to try to get some more spin and then had to do the bike throw for the win. I won by a half a wheel or so!

I would like to thank the team mates for all you hard work! THANK YOU GUYS!

Oh, and I went to check results a little later and they told me to stay in my kit and come back in about 10min. or so for pictures! They took pictures and then gave me the Matt Wittig cup! That thing is sweet!

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